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Archives for November 2011
Happy Birthday Seb!
Nail of the day: Models Own Emerald City
Mummy Monday: Sweet Dreams
Winter warmers
Our week so far in pictures
Prepare to be blown away
Whats in my bag?
Review: Lush Magic Wand Bubble Bar
Nail of the day: Chanel Rose Insolent
Holidays are coming
Leeds part 2
Leeds German Christmas market
Mummy Monday: I'm still standing
Ins and Outs
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Recipe- Pork and Halloumi Pasta Bake
I had a couple of people asking me for this recipe so thought i'd post it for all. I based it around a recipe from the BBC site. 200g pa...
Well we did it! As long as nobody objects, me and Phil are now able to get married. I was so nervous this morning, we had to be spoken to se...
H&M online
I finally had a look at the H&M online shop(how long has it taken to actually get online!) Firstly i had a look at the baby clothes(i...
Party dresses
Well we are fast approaching the party season and that means only one thing. Party dresses! I don't have any nights out planned as yet b...
It sounds like a train... baby's heartbeat that is. Saw the midwife today she managed to find the heartbeat so we got to hear it for the first time, only pr...
My very first award
Wow i have my very first blog award :D Thanks to Rosa from My Fashion Blog . I'm very jealous that she can make clothes as i am useless...
My current obsessions
I tend to go through phases of buying and wearing certain styles. Currently its Polka Dots Stripes Coloured opaques Headbands Bows, on cloth...
Bare legs
I've gone for bare legs today, its gorgeous again. This top and necklace are new purchases this week. I'm not upto much today, its m...
Please vote!
A bit of a begging post but please can you take 2 minutes and vote for Seb here . Its to win some prizes plus the chance to be the face of T...
Its such a perfect day
Happy weekend everyone, i hope its been a good one for you. For me its been perfect. A few photos from the last few days. Homemade heart sha...
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