She's a maneater...

What is it with men? Before my ex i was singe on and off for ages, now there appear to be 3 men in my life. My ex who seems to think i should still be going to a party with him on Friday, my friends sexy housemate and also another friends brother. Why is it so hard to find a normal decent bloke who doesn't mess with your head?!!!! Enough about my random love life!
Today has been pretty much ridiculous, we all arrived at work this morning to find that our computer system hadn't been updated overnight therefore we had nothing to do. Basically we sat there twiddling our thumbs until 2pm until they finally decided we could go home, i wouldn't have minded staying if i was allowed to sit near people that actually speak, but no it was just me and one other person sat in my section today. I got out of there as fast as i could and ran home determined to do something vaguely useful!!
So this afternoon i have packaged up some bits i sold on ebay so i can post those tomorrow. I've also been hunting for birthday presents for my 2 friends and my mum who all have birthdays in the next few weeks. I'm thinking of maybe getting a MAC makeover for my mum, and i might get one for me on the same day. Has anyone had one done? I'd love to have something really over the top done but would they do something more subtle for my mum?
Also i've been looking for places to stay in Manchester as me and the girls are going in a couple of weeks time. I am going to be so so broke!! If anyone has ever been to Manchester or lives there, it would be fab if you could give me some tips on areas/specific places to go for day and night?
Sorry that this post is nothing to do with fashion at all but i'm so broke until payday next week and theres so many things that i want to buy. I'm really coveting the Marc Jacobs Magnifying Glass necklace i saw on I want you to knows blog, but i have zero chance of getting to the store to buy it :(
Sorry for the rambling post, i'll do an outfit post tomorrow hopefully x


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