Best beauty tip ever?

I got an email today promoting Barry M and in it they asked for peoples best beauty tips so i thought I'd do a post on mine.
This is for the days you wake up with a huge spot(usually when you have a night out planned or a date or something). Anyway all you need is some aspirin that dissolves, a cotton bud and a tiny drip of water.
I got these cheapy ones for about 30p in bodycare.
Take one of the aspirin and pop it into a small container(I always use the lid of the aspirin tub), add a tiny little bit of water and mix with the cotton bud until it makes a thick paste.
Cover the spot in the paste and leave.
You can leave as long as you like, i usually wait for the paste to dry, then gently wash off. The aspirin reduces the redness and swelling of the spot. I don't promise to make it disappear right away but it does look much better!!
Does anyone else do this? Do you have top beauty tips?


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