Woooo i'm back online.. (Face and Outfit pics)

.. and i have a confession! Wow its been over a week since i've been able to blog, but i'm glad to be back. Sadly i did break my shopping diet but the money i spent was paid for by ebay funds(does it still count?!!!) so technically i didn't really spend any new money. I'm going to do a haul post tomorrow.
I hope everyones ok? As for me work is super stressful but i have a meeting on Thursday so that should make things a bit clearer for us all. I went out drinking for the first time since new year this weekend and i cannot remember a thing, i was passed out in bed by 12 complete with a bleeding leg. I thought i'd post my outfit and face of the night to get into the swing of things again!

First up is my face. I went for purple eyes and red lips and i'm pleased with how it turned out, i'm trying to grow out my fringe now, hence the hair being pinned back. I was going to wear some false lashes but i couldn't be bothered so i tried the Maybelline mascara in the yellow tube and was really underwhelmed, i know people like this but it just didn't work for me.

I'm not keen on this photo but its the only one i took of my outfit so here goes.

Dress-River Island, Shoes- Kurt Geiger

You can see the sequins better in this photo without them being super shiny. Excuse the huge drink!

I'm not sure whoch way round this photo is meant to go! I can't wait to catch up on everyones blogs, i'll be doing that tonight and tomorrow xxx


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