- Gorgeous fresh Autumn days, i love this season and all the colours that come with it.
- Ebay, have sold some bits on there and made myself a little spending money.
- Christmas shopping and wrapping. I've done all the little ones in our family, i just need to buy for the adults now, i'm determined to enjoy it as by the time Christmas does come round i'm likely to be exhausted!
- Looking to the future, i have so much to look forward to in the next few weeks and i feel so lucky. Most of you know that bump was most definately not planned but i'm just so contented and excited about everything.
- Leopard print is back, well for me it never really went away.
- Blogging, well bloggers. Everyone is so lovely and i really appreciate all the lovely comments i get.
- Family pressures! A certain males mother is dropping heavy hints that she wants to be there at the birth, or be there right afterwards. Erm no, i don't want an audience either while giving birth or trying to bond in the few hours afterwards.
- No baby name still!
- I called the birth centre to book in to give birth to find its been closed for 3 weeks and will be for the forseeable future so i can't have bump there. I'm so gutted about it as its lovely there and i really didn't want a hospital birth.
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