50 things to do this summer

I'm posting this from my phone so sorry for any mistakes. I've seen a few of these lists around recently so thought make one of my own. Here are 50 things i want to do this summer, some silly little things and some bigger things. I've actually done a couple of them this week.

1. Wear red lipstick
2. Visit an ice cream parlour
3. Make homemade ice lollies
4. Visit our local museum
5. Feed the ducks
6.Drink cocktails
7. Join the library
8. Visit the Hepworth gallery
9. Make home made ice cream
10. Have a BBQ
11. Make play dough
12. Have a lazy pj day
13. Make milkshakes
14. Go to the beach
15. Have a picnic
16. Get my photos printed off
17. Collect shells
18. Read a book in a day
19. Sit outside and read
20. Start my christmas shopping
21. Play in the park
22. Make bubbles
23. Finger painting
24. Play with cornflower and water
25. Get and use a paddling pool
26. Go swimming
27. Build sandcastles
28. Make coke floats
29. Learn some baby sign language and practice it with Seb
30. Go to a farm shop
31. Visit a farm
32. Paint a canvas
33. Visit the zoo
34. Take a photo every day for a week
35. Go to softplay
36. Buy food regularly rather then doing one big shop and try to use local shops/the market
37. Listen to Womans Hour
38. Have a candlelit meal
39. Visit Trinity Walk
40. Wear a hat
41. Wear socks with a skirt/dress
42. Play a board game
43. Try a fake tan
44. Walk barefoot on grass
45. Wear earrings
46. Listen to a brass brand
47. Go out, get drunk and dance
48. Make a homemade face mask
49. Make stained glass window biscuits
50. Have mym eyebrows threaded


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