Mummy Monday: Messy Play

I have decided to organise my blog a bit more so rather then having random posts, each Monday i am going to a post purely about Seb and me. I'm just so proud of him i want to tell the world about all his new little tricks. It will vary in its content each week.
Feel free to ignore if you come here for fashion/make up, i won't be offended!

This last week we have done lots of messy play. I have quite alot of ideas on this as my background is in childcare. These activities are great fun and promote so many areas of development. I did think about setting up a seperate blog for activities to do with babies but am not sure if i'd get much interest.

I made up some angel delight, popped it into a tub with plastic spoons, forks, paintbrushes and sponges and let him do as he pleased. This kept him amused for over 30 minutes, lots of squidging and painting with it. Its also great as they can eat it(obviously not ideal) but its not going to harm them so is safer then using paints so you don't have to constantly be poised to grab them incase they eat it all.
We have been collecting Autumn leaves and used some of them to paint with, i mixed up browns, oranges and red, dipped the leaves in and then let Seb drag them on the paper.
And finally jelly. I made up some sugar free jelly and put it all on his high chair tray with some cups so he could put it in and tip it out. Like the angel delight its edible and Seb did alot of eating with this one!
He is at such a great age now, into everything and full of beans. When he wakes up in the morning he sits up in his cot and shouts dadadada as Phil is usually the first up in our house and goes to grab him from the cot. He only tends to say mama when he has had a bump or is angry and having a tantrum. We also get yumyumyum and uh-oh.
He thinks he's super clever when he claps and also loves nothing better then to pull himself up onto his knees and turn the TV off.
Come back next week for another Mummy Monday :)



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