Hair of the day!

Another slightly different post from me!
Plaits have been around for a while now. I quite often plait my hair into simple pigtail style plaits but am useless at anything more complicated. My mums got 2 weeks off work so i decided to ask her to do my hair how she did when i was small and it provided a little bit of nice girly time for us!

I had this picture from Look magazine(last weeks i think) for her to work from.

And she did me proud! She took my fringe(still growing out) and part of the front section of my hair for the plait secured with a grip and then the rest of my hair was tied up into a secure bun with grips and it lasted the whole day.

It was a realy relief to have my long hair off my face and neck while its been so warm. I think next time we'll try with a slightly thicker plait.


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