Pick n mix post

Well its been a busy couple of weeks really. This is just a quick post rounding up whats going on right now.
I have a new nephew born last Tuesday after a labour of nearly 2 days! Obviously i'm very excited but did have a bit of a hormonal moment as they have chosen the same name for him that we chose for our baby. Its the only name we agreed on and we decided it about 3 months ago now. It wasn't deliberate they were keeping their name choice secret and so were we. So now its back to the drawing board, any suggestions?
Meet Henry
I keep growing!! At our scan the baby measured a bit above the average, nothing to worry about but please keep your fingers crossed he isn't a 10lb-er! Now i'm quite obviously pregnant i get people giving up seats for me and touching my tummy, its really lovely! This is me last Friday so i was 21weeks and 6days.
We finally know when we're moving, the aim is to be in by Friday. The flat needed a few bits doing so we wanted that out of the way before moving in rather then messing around once we're in. I'm so rubbish at packing, i've taken a few bits over already but everything else will probably get done Thursday night.
Heres some lovely sweeties for my lovely followers. Percy Pig anyone?


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