Every cloud

We've had a nightmare few days, the boiler broke down(again) overnight on Friday so we were left with no heating or hot water, not good in January. So we called our landlord who instead of ringing someone to come and look at it, decided to come over that afternoon look at it, see the same thing that we'd already told her(the light is red, its broken down) then go saying she would call a friend to come and look at it. It was bloody freezing so me and Seb packed up and went to my mums for the night as we were sure it wouldn't be fixed that day. In the end it wasn't fixed until Monday, so i had to stay at my parents.
On thee plus side we are moving out of here next Tuesday! We got the flat a few doors down, we can have the keys at the weekend to start moving bits in but the official moving day is Tuesday. I'm so pleased, much as i love this flat, theres been so many problems that its laughable.
It was very strange staying at my mum and dads, 2 of the dogs are in love with Seb and while he was having sleeps kept going to check on him.
I'm loving ebay at the moment, Seb is fast outgrowing his 0-3 months clothes so i've been buying the next size and managed to snag this bundle of 10 tops for £1.04
and these 2 pairs of dungarees for 99p!He is getting bigger by the day, i'm hoping to get him weighed tomorrow, he's 8 weeks now and feels so heavy!

One good thing about staying at my parents is that i could go for lovely long walks with the pram, Seb loves his fresh air.
Fashiony posts will resume tomorrow xx


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