This is one of the few products that i've never tried despite picking them up and having a sniff at the tills plenty of times, i get chapped lips so thought it might be a bit harsh.
At Christmas, Phils mum got me a Lush gift box and it had a lip scrub inside. Its called lip dip which i believe is a limited edition flavour for Christmas but you can see the permanant flavours here.
Lip Dip is described on the packaging as being a sherbert, cranberry and lemon flavoured lip scrub and it so true. It smells just like sherbert lemon sweets, i didn't get any cranberry smells in there at all.
The conisitancy is thicker then i expected, its a bit like toothpaste if that makes sense? To use all you need to do is rub some all over your lips gently and then lick off! I was surprised how little you need to use each time but it does mean a pot would last for ages. The testure is scrubby but not too scratchy so it doesn't make you sore. Licking off the scrub is a pleasure, it tastes gorgeous and i think it makes the product a bit quirky.
After using it i've been left with really smooth and soft lips, its perfect for using before applying lippie. So all in all its a thumbs up from me!
Have you tried one of these? xx
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