Moving on

Happy Sunday everyone! I feel so much better a combination of a long hot bubbly bath, a good nights sleep and a happier baby means I'm feeling human again.

We also got our keys yesterday, to start the moving process, we can't properly move in yet as we won't have a bed until Tuesday but we've managed to get about half of our things over there between the two of us. Phil is working today and won't be home until about 2am so my mums coming over for a bit to see the new flat and maybe go for a walk.

Tonight I'm going to be watching PS I Love You(not as good as the book but I'll still watch) and painting my nails in my PJ's. This is dependent on Seb being asleep at a reasonable time! I might even have a fish finger sandwich rather then a proper cooked meal as I'll be on my own. What are you all upto today?

I've got lots of posts planned for the next few weeks so fingers crossed my blog may become mildly more interesting to read

Seb's got his first lot of jabs tomorrow morning, wish us luck!



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