Review: Lush Ickle Baby Bot Bath Ballistic

I wasn't the only one to receive Lush products for Christmas, Santa also got Seb some Lush Baby Bot Bath Ballistics. According to the Lush site these contain lavender and sandalwood oils which will calm and help your baby drift off to sleep.
I love the robot design and bright blue colour!
As with all the ballistics you just need to pop it into the pre run bath and let it fizz and do its magic.
I have to say this ballistic didn't really do much to the water, i thought it might have turned blue but it just looked a little bit cloudy, also i wasn't too taken with the smell(a personal taste really) but i thought it was brilliant that the smell wasn't too strong for Seb as most Lush products are heavily scented. After baths i always do baby massage on Seb with various creams and after this bath i did notice his skin was lovely and super smooth.
And what did Seb think..... well he fell asleep in the bath as you can see below, i'm not sure if it was the oils or just that he's lazy!!

These cost £1.75 per ballistic and i think they are a fantastic present for someone with a baby, its nice to have something different to use in the bath.


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